WooCommerce New Zealand PostObtain charges through the NZ Post APIThe New Zealand Post Group presents features to assist New Zealand run, connecting people, groups or communities. This plugin lets ye offer New Zealand Post prices after thy customers which are drawn without delay beside theirs API.The extension requires so thy save utilizes NZ Dollars foreign money yet New Zealand as like the degenerated country. It especially manufactory with mm and kg, however ignoble gadgets can stay transformed automatically.NZ Post do compute quotes worldwide, and domestic:DOMESTICParcelPostParcelPost FastParcelPost TrackedCourierINTERNATIONALInternational Express CourierInternational Economy CourierInternational AirInternational EconomyOther features:Enable/disable, accomplish the names of, and Gather expenses according to services.Pack items individually or the usage of the formed in box packer.